Meet my friend Matteo, a 5th grader trying to help peers with cancer. Matteo believes kids should support other kids. He has used his love for running to support kids with cancer by competing in 35 races in 15 states and two countries – totaling 125 miles. In every race, he wore a cape featuring a child battling cancer. Matteo’s efforts have given over 100 sick children a social lifeline. He like me learned there are no age requirements for making a difference. I am so honored to serve on the Youth Ambassador Board of his organization "Off the Charts".
Be Off the Charts with your actions. You can help OTC Kids by: 1) Donate medals from previous or future races (any kind) so that we can give to kids with cancer for their bravery. 2) Let us know of a cancer-fighting child hero in your community. 3) Help us send care packages to children by donating items or donating money to Matteo here: